The Annique Business Opportunity has helped countless people to reach their life goals. Whether you are looking for a new career or just need a side hustle to create extra cash, the Annique Opportunity can enable those dreams.
Annique is a member of the Direct Selling Association of South Africa, which governs the South African Direct Selling Industry. Direct selling empowers more than 1.2 million South Africans, of which 74% are women, contributing a total of R10.6 billion to the economy, as they create income opportunities in their pursuit to eradicate poverty for all people.
Annique strives to create life-changing opportunities every day through our unique business opportunity that allows people from all walks of life to own their own independent Annique businesses – this in a country that has a 34% unemployment rate. With over 10 000+ consultants, Annique offers a strong income stream for anyone; those who want to earn extra income, own their own business, be financially independent or those wanting a better quality of life with their families, not tied down by traditional work hours. Direct selling offers an unconventional career of “being your own boss” and providing an income.
Annique believes in uniting people from all walks of life; empowering them and developing them into leaders who in turn, invest in others.
The Annique Bounty Compensation (ABC) Success Plan is geared towards building an independent Consultant business by providing indirect income, training, encouragement and motivation.
Any person can become an Annique Consultant for a minimal investment. With Annique’s Bounty Compensation Success Plan you do not need to make a large cash investment and, therefore you avoid financial risk when starting a business of your own.
Annique is flexible. You can run a business full-time or part-time, enabling you to spend quality time with your family.
Annique provides a unique and legitimate Business Opportunity which enables Consultants to earn additional income, minimise or avoid debt and enables them to become financially independent and successful. Annique is a proud member of the Direct Selling Association of South Africa and abides strictly by its code of conduct.
Annique values top achievers and stars in the making. We richly reward Consultants who grow and impact those around them. Rewards are plenty and include overseas incentives and a free car!
Annique has an unequalled, quality product range. We provide products which you and your customer will need and that will make a significant difference in their lives.
Annique products are used on a daily basis and need to be replenished frequently. This ensures repeat orders and loyal customers.
Consultants only pay for orders placed and products received. There is no automatic debiting of your account for products you did not order.