Responsible eating habits, proper food choices, exercise, relaxation and sleep, clean air and water, mental health and spiritual wellbeing are all part of a holistic health programme. Proper moisturising and nourishment of the skin and body using products from the Annique ranges, combined with the correct lifestyle, will improve health and appearance.
Annique’s nutritional and skin care products contain ingredients of the highest international standards. These products enhance the body and skin’s natural functions and help restore deficiencies for an improved nutrient balance. The Annique range improves the immune system function and prevents allergic reactions.
With modern man’s high-stress lifestyle, poor nutritional habits, lack of exercise, lack of deep sleep and the effects of pollution, a better solution to optimum health is needed. Annique products help protect the body against ageing and disease through proper nutrition and supplementation. We encourage healthy people to stay healthy.
Annique Consultants do NOT interfere with medical advice given by a medical or health professional. We do not make any therapeutic claims relating to our products for “curing,” “guarantees,” or “healing properties.” Annique Consultants do not criticise other companies, products or professions and most often sell at the suggested retail selling price.
Annique Consultants may recommend products to enhance, support and assist in the health and beauty of any individual, provided it does not go against medical advice. Annique products are developed to revitalise, invigorate, help and improve the health, wellbeing and happiness of the clients.
The Annique manufacturing processes provided by certified GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) suppliers are designed to release clean water and air into the environment and ingredients are biodegradable for a cleaner, safer environment. Some Annique containers are made from recycled plastics and other natural materials. Our containers are recyclable and should be disposed of at recycle centre for plastics and paper.
Annique will never reveal personal details, credit card information or trade with our Consultant database information.