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Best for Bust
I LOVE the Essense Firming Neck and Bust Cream!
No more wrinkles and my skin looks smooth and healthy!
Product Review
Bea | 2/2/2024 8:19 AM
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Firming Neck and Bust Cream
I have been using a lot of other neck and bust creams in the past but Annique's Firming Neck and Bust Cream is on another level producing real, fast and the best results I have ever encountered.  
Absolutely amazing!

Alta | 2/2/2024 8:08 PM
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A neck and bust cream that works
I always focused on my face when it came to my daily skin care routine and you forget about the neck and bust.  Since discovering this product I ensure that it is now part of my daily routine.

I could see a difference in the skin tone and appearance within the first month of using this product.  I can definitely see how my skin became firmer on my neck and bust area.

I also love the smell when applying it to my neck and bust.  I feel like I am at the spa every day.  The smell has a calming effect which I absolutely love.
Product Review
Ruzelle | 2/5/2024 11:33 AM
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Essense Firming Neck and Bust cream
Nekkie o liewe nekkie!  hoe wys jy nou my ouderdom! Ons nekke is baie blootgestel aan beweging.  Wanneer ons slaap, lê ons vir 'n geruime tyd in een posisie.  Wanneer ons wakker is, kyk ons af na ons rekenaar, boeke, kinders, kliënte, en oeps daar sit 'n plooi. Ons kyk links en regs...die hele dag lank. Ons decollete word gereeld aan die son blootgestel, wat dus vroeë veroudering teweë bring.  As Skoonheidsterapeut  is dit vir my belangrik om te weet dat die produk wat ek gebruik spesifieke bestanddele bevat, wat werklik 'n verskil sal maak.  Firmex, een van die aktiewe bestanddele, sorg vir verbetering van die elastisiteit  van die nek en bors area. Die natuurlike Alpha hidroksie sure skilfer die vel sagkens af, sodoende is daar meer gereeld nuwe selle teenwoordig aan die oppervlak van die vel - dus is die tekstuur en kleur beter.  Na jare se sport van verskillende aktiwiteite, voel ek nie dat my nek en decollete droog en leeragtig is nie.  As student is ons geleer dat jou gesig se vel eindig onder jou borste. 'n Spesifieke Nekroom is baie belangrik, natuurlik tesame met jou daaglikse velsorg produkte.  Annique se Essense Firming Neck and Bust Cream het my nek gered!
Elizabeth | 2/12/2024 3:07 PM
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Firming Neck & Bust Cream
I am really impressed with Annique's Firming Neck & Bust Cream. After I have breastfeed my 3 kids I was surprised to see the result.
I didn't have sagging skin and no stretched marks.
It helps to firm the skin and helps with your skin tone as well.
Product Review
Lizèl Anlie | 2/16/2024 10:12 AM
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Firming Neck and Bust with "invisible bra"!
This Firming Neck and Bust Cream definitely improved the contours and firmness of my neck, breast and cleavage area. My skin has a glamorous radiance with the support of my "invisible bra"!
Product Review
Marlene U. | 2/19/2024 11:46 AM
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Large tube for the price
This is value for money. It will last you a long time, as you only use a little.
Product Review
Charmaine | 2/28/2024 9:15 AM
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Concertina chest, be gone!
Annique's Essense Firming Neck & Bust Cream is one of my favourite products. It is nourishing and well absorbed, it smells lovely and it works like a bomb.  It's a brilliant gift for my friends as we crawl towards 50!
Product Review
Angela Jeanne | 2/28/2024 2:54 PM
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Crepe Neck Lines - A Thing of the Past!
Okay, let me be VERY honest here....for years my mom has preached to me how important it is for me to use the Essense Firming Neck & Bust Cream....but did I listen?....you guessed it, no!

So when I hit the 40 mark, I started noticing these very fine crepe creases and slight sagging of my skin in my neck, not even to talk about those lovely deep creases on the chest in the morning when I wake up.

That's when I decided, something needs to happen and FAST!

So, together with my Skin Detox, Q10-Therapy, Miracle Tissue Oil and Revitalising Cream, I started using the Firming Neck & Bust Cream. Applying it from the jawline, all the way down on my chest, between my breasts and including my breasts.

One would think it will take at least a month to see a visible change to a neck and bust which has been neglected for so long....Nope, it was a matter of days, not even a week and I could instantly see a change in the appearance of my skin, the tone, the elasticity and the ever so smoothing out of the crepe lines that gave me sleepless nights.

Ladies and Gents, take my advise, start using this today! You will not regret making this decision today. I know I haven't.
Product Review
Hannelise | 2/29/2024 9:27 AM
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