Product reviews for Resque Mist 100ml

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Breathing easier and feeling brighter
Annique Resque Mist has proven to be an absolute game-changer for me. This versatile mist has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, offering relief from sinusitis, hay fever, and even contributing to a more positive mindset. First and foremost, the mist's ability to provide relief for sinusitis is nothing short of remarkable. I've found myself reaching for it whenever sinusitis symptoms arise, and the relief is both immediate and lasting. Annique Resque Mist has become my go-to solution for combating even headache -related issues. The convenience of the mist format is also worth mentioning. It's easy to carry in my bag, allowing me to enjoy its benefits whenever and wherever I need it.
Product Review
Liza-Marie | 2/1/2024 3:32 PM
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Resque Mist 100ml
I'm absolutely obsessed with the Resque range. Although the Resque Mist is very popular to assist with colds and flu, I mostly use it to relieve my neck and shoulder pain. My neck is in a constant spasm and the Resque Mist brings such a relief. I have very sensitive skin and the mist does not irritate my skin. There is also no sticky residue. You don't have to rub it into your skin, you can just spray the Resque Mist and it dissolves into the skin immediately. Not only does the Resque Mist give me almost instant pain relief, it also smells great with calming effects. It also assists with my headaches caused by my neck spasm! What a BONUS!
Product Review
Monique | 2/1/2024 4:43 PM
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Good night, sleep tight
My daughter Leah (8), struggles with allergies and sinus, especially during the change of seasons. I use Resque Mist to spray on her pillow when she goes to bed during these times. She immediately finds relief from her allergies and sinus with Resque Mist. It helps her to fall asleep and sleep soundly through the night.

She also have a Resque Concentrate in her school bag for relief when she is not at home.
Product Review
Hermina | 2/1/2024 8:37 PM
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Rescue Mist
In the year I turned 50, I won an Annique Forever Young Skincare product that had a profound effect on my skin and so began my Annique journey to beautiful skin. I started incorporating other  life changing Annique Rooibos products, including Rescue Mist to clear my respiratory tract, treat headaches, neck aches, hyperventilating and much more. I always ensure I’m never without my life changing Annique products and have the Rescue Mist in my handbag at all times.
Abigail | 2/1/2024 8:43 PM
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Bye bye sinus
I have been on chronic allergy meds for over 5 years, when I started spraying the Resque Mist on our pillows at night! Goodbye allergies! I have no more need for the meds and a simple spritz at night before we go to bed does the trick! Can highly recommend this for any household!
Product Review
Bea | 2/2/2024 8:26 AM
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Resque Mist - every household needs 2
This product is so amazing especially if you struggle with sinuses, I use this every night on my daughters pillow and this helps with her sinuses cause that 8 year old has a snore on her. I use it after a run or gym. I spray it directly onto my neck and muscles. We all know how stressful life can be and this Mist makes me relax in the evening before bed, and a night without my Resque Mist is just not possible
Product Review
Veronica | 2/2/2024 10:03 AM
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Swollen feet
I am a teacher and standing most of the day is part of my job. My feet tend to swell a lot, especially in summer. When I get home and kick of my shoes, I spray some cooling and refreshing Rescue Mist on my feet and ankles - within no time I can feel it working. When I go to bed, I spray some more on. The next morning there is not a sign of any swelling - all swelling is gone. I cannot do summer without my Rescue Mist!
Product Review
Thania | 2/3/2024 10:31 AM
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An Essential for Great Health
I have numerous bottles open and close at hand:
In my kitchen for the event of a burn. I spray it on immediately. It stings for a few seconds and then no further pain or evidence of the burn.
In my  car for neck spasms, headaches, hand sanitising after shopping.
In my bag for every emergency I come across and for those suffering with irritating coughs, sinus, allergies and more.
Next to my bed for mosquito bites, coughs, leg cramps,etc
It evens remove ink pen marks from my clothes.
I cannot live without it!
Why suffer when you don't have to?
Product Review
Marion | 2/3/2024 4:16 PM
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Wonderful healing product
I just love the Resque Mist. I used this for my daughter when she had a blocked nose, just sprayed some on her pillow and on the chest and her nose was cleared up in two days. I was very happy because she is only 4 years old, and I didn't have to use medicine. This also works wonders for sinus and the whole family can use it.
Chante | 2/5/2024 11:24 AM
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Blocked nose gone
I have been suffering from Sinus and Hay fever since I was a child. Always having an allergex with me or having to buy expensive sinus medication especially in winter and in Hay Fever season.

I was introduced to the Resque Mist by a dear friend. Since I have been using it I haven't struggled with a blocked nose again and can finally breath at ease. I haven't used any sinus medication in a very long while and my sinuses are clear.  

I recommend this product to all my friends and family.
Product Review
Wilien | 2/5/2024 12:19 PM
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I suffer heavily from sinusitis. I have tried Annique Rooibos Resque treatment mist, I spray it in front of my nose and inhale deeply as well as a spray on the crown of my head. I can truly say it helps me a lot it really opens my sinuses. I will continue to use the product and have recommended it to my family and friends.
Product Review
Sonja | 2/5/2024 12:38 PM
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My clients (and me) love the Resque Mist since it has so many uses from alleviating cold, flu and allergy symptoms to spraying on swollen feet and sore muscles. This is a must have for every home.
Product Review
Lindi | 2/5/2024 1:46 PM
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Resque mist to the rescue
We use resque mist for more than just sinus, I spray the mist on my kids beds to keep mosquitoes away, I spray it on my neck for neck pain, on my temples for headaches- basically any body pains
Product Review
Maryke | 2/5/2024 2:08 PM
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I am never without resque mist in my house or travel bag!  Great for muscle pain, insect bites or to open your nose when blocked.  This is for sure a winner product that no household can be without!
Product Review
Annalie,Sophia | 2/5/2024 6:19 PM
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Resque Mist
My family absolutely loves Resque Mist. We love the concentration of smells when sprayed, and get instant relief for neck and back pains.
Also helps us with sinus. We just spray it in the air, or on our clothes and pillows to clear the sinus.
It is definitely one of our favorites.
Product Review
Ranjini | 2/6/2024 8:53 AM
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This product has been in our emergency kit at home since the birth of my daughter. She is turning 4 years old this year. We all suffer from sinus, hubby and I work long hours so we spray it on our feet for instant relief. Sinus is now a problem of the past. Sore muscles are also not a match for Resque Mist. It even works wonders for menstrual cramps as well.
Product Review
XANTE | 2/6/2024 11:36 AM
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Its the best,worth every penny
I can personally say that this is a great product.When my son struggles with a block nose or my husband with flu,I spray it on their pillow and it opens their airways and  allow them to have a perfect night's sleep.
Product Review
Blineta | 2/10/2024 1:53 PM
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Resque Mist
As roei op die rivier jou sport is, stel ek voor jy skaf Annique se Rescue Mist aan!  Dit het vir my gewerk.  Jy gaan heel waarskynlik spierpyne, hooikoors, miggies, vlieë en muskiete moet trotseer.  Met natuurlike bestanddele soos eucalyptus, peppermint olie, camphor en mentol, gaan jy nie net saamsmeld met die natuur nie, jy gaan beskerm word teen hierdie irretasies. Een houertjie wat alle moontlike probleme kan aanspreek!
Elizabeth | 2/12/2024 4:28 PM
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Resque Mist
I bought Resque Mist because I had severe headaches and sinus. Since I started using the mist, I don't have any symptoms any longer and I sleep better at night.
Product Review
Leonie | 2/13/2024 9:45 AM
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Resque Mist saves my day
I sometimes work long hours and end up with neck and shoulder aches. I spray the Resque Mist on my fingertips and massage onto my neck and shoulders. I get relief in minutes and feel so relaxed. It is the go-to when my sons feel a cold coming on, spray in the air and inhale or spray on the pillows for a good night's rest. I've recommended to a friend that snores and she loves it.
Product Review
Renata | 2/13/2024 9:54 AM
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Resque Treatment Mist
I get migraines very often and they last for 2 to 3 days. My migraine started up at about 8:30pm and I took some Resque Mist, rubbed it on my neck and temples and sprayed it on my pillow. The following morning I woke up without any migraine and feeling relaxed.
Product Review
Charlene | 2/13/2024 12:01 PM
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Resque Mist the best product
A soothing, purifying and repairing miracle mist that calms down and defends the symptoms of colds, flu, sinusitis and bronchitis. It can also be sprayed on your pillows.
Karen | 2/14/2024 9:08 AM
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One bottle for the whole family
I bought the Mist last year when I had random allergic reactions to pretty much anything that had fragrance. I would spray and inhale and immediately feel better. My husband always had sore muscles and we would spray it on the affected area and he would feel better. My daughter always got blocked at night while sleeping. I would spray it on her blankets and she would sleep like a baby. Also, you don't needed to spray a lot for it to work, just once and it works likee magic

It's such an amazing product for the whole family, I highly recommend it
Product Review
Thumisa | 2/16/2024 10:14 AM
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Resque Mist
This product is really a life saver for me and my family. I've seen how it helped from serious anxiety attacks to relief of sinus and hay fever within minutes. I started to use it daily with Annique Buchu tea. This really changed my serious allergic and sinusitis problem to barely noticeable.  I use to be in and out Dr's rooms almost every 2 months and left with bags of meds for almost 20 years. Nothing helped until I started to use Resque Mist. It's been almost 10 years and I've NEVER have to go to the Dr. in all that time for allergies or sinus anymore, even my Dr. is  surprised!
Product Review
Marina | 2/16/2024 11:09 AM
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Resque Mist
On my table next to my bed and in my handbag. Helps with hay-fever, headaches and a tight chest.
Product Review
Francien | 2/16/2024 12:31 PM
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My sinus mosquito fighter
I have forgotten the feel of a blocked nose , for the longest time
Mosquitos stand no chance when sprayed in the air
Love the product.
Product Review
Ronel Ruth | 2/16/2024 7:49 PM
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Happy wife… Happy life!
No more snoring! Thank you Annique!
Product Review
Anna-Marie | 2/18/2024 10:45 AM
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The Resque Mist is indeed a "MUST HAVE" in any household.  Whether you have a cold, flu, asthma, bronchitis or sore throat, you cannot go wrong. And for all those "warm, difficult to sleep nights" because of mosquitos, the Resque Mist will take care of them, and you can sleep without the buzzing!
Product Review
Marlene U. | 2/19/2024 12:39 PM
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Super Spray!!!
The solution for cough, allergies, blocked nose!
It is an amazing product as in a must have for every cupboard in your house
Irma | 2/19/2024 7:46 PM
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The remedy Resque
The Resque Mist is a must have! I take it with me everywhere and never have to worry about my sinus issues as long as I have it on hand. It also works wonders for insect bites and muscle pains. It's like a cure all!!
Product Review
Miché | 2/20/2024 11:06 AM
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Wonderful for the whole family
We use the Resque Mist as a whole family; we love the smell and cannot sleep without a mist or two on our pillows at night. I also use it on my boy's bed before he sleeps. Sound sleep for the whole family. I love this product so much!
Product Review
Lisa | 2/21/2024 8:42 AM
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I can breath!!!
An absolute MUST HAVE......... NO more sinuses and hay fever that is killing me.

Thank you RESQUE MIST.  
Wilma | 2/21/2024 1:52 PM
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Great Product!
I use this product for everything, children with their sinus issues, husband that keeps on snoring at night, and guess what it even helps to chase away the awful mosquitoes. I love this product!
Elsie | 2/25/2024 7:33 PM
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Sinuses & Allergies Gone!
This amazing product is one of those top Resque products that you just can't live without! Especially if you have sinus or allergies or its change of season time. Do you have a blocked nose? Do you sneeze a lot? Do you experience muscle pain? Or is your nose just as sensitive as mine? Well Resque Mist is the solution! This eucalyptus product brings relieve for everyday sinus related symptoms. Definitely a product I just can't live without! Seeing is believing, so go try it yourself! You'll be AMAZED!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Susan | 2/26/2024 10:29 PM
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Annique's Rescue Mist
Annique's rescue mist changed my life!

It changed my breathing issues when I run (246 parkruns) and gym (once a week). I spray 3 shots before I run or gym. It ensures smooth and seamless breathing. I proudly introduced the product it to my god child who is asthmatic. She says that it helps with stress as well. It also changed my life since my husband has sleep apnea, I spray it in his c-pap mask. I have a full night's sleep without snoring. What a blessing!
Product Review
Cheryl | 2/27/2024 12:30 PM
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Perfect for allergies
This is perfect for hay fever allergies. It calms the allergies right down.
Product Review
Charmaine | 2/28/2024 9:13 AM
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Don't mist out!!!
We call this product our "Herbal High" - you need a bottle next to your bed, in your handbag, in your car.  Helps with allergies and even when you are anxious.  You can literally spay your stress away!!!
Product Review
Yolanda | 2/28/2024 9:22 AM
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Resque Mist to the rescue!
Resque Mist has proven itself over and over again! The endless itching and therefore scratching from chicken pox has come to a halt for 7 hours after Resque Mist has been sprayed on the affected area!  After 7 hours - repeat!  I have also sprayed it on my husband's pillow for snoring - it worked wonders!
Product Review
Marietjie | 2/28/2024 9:36 AM
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I am sure I speak on behalf of myself and all my clients that this Mist Spray is one of Annique's best products. I use it on my whole family, for scratches, itching, rashes, sinus, clogged nasal passages and pain. When I have guests over and they complain about any ailment I recommend and spray that part of their body with the Mist Spray. My colleague came into work with a big rash in her neck and I had some spray handy. I offered her the spray to try and within a half an hour the rash had disappeared. She immediately ordered her spray and continues to do so.
Product Review
Jamy | 2/28/2024 9:39 AM
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Resque Mist at the top of any remedy list!
After trying other remedies for an allergic sinusitus that even kept my mum awake at night, it was Resque Mist that alleviated the stuffy feeling in her head with it's fresh, minty aroma and resque properties, leaving her relaxed and releaved as she could finally sleep.

Just a few spritzes on her pillow at bed time, does the trick!
Product Review
Clarice | 2/28/2024 10:04 AM
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Best nights sleep
I suffer for chronic allergies and asthma and this really has been a life saver! I can use it at any time, it does not affect my chest at all and it is just lovely breathing in the scent and feel how it goes to work immediately. I do not have to use any other product anymore.
Product Review
Bianka | 2/28/2024 10:13 AM
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Annique to the rescue
This amazing mist is another of my family's all-time favourites. It is so versatile it helps you with pain, congestion, insomnia, allergies and sinuses, headaches, and stress to name a few. One or two small squirts on the affected area does the job. it is so gentle yet effective that it can be used on infants. You won't go wrong. Another essential item in every household. Be the superhero to your family and friends :)
Product Review
Ayesha, Bibi | 2/28/2024 10:31 AM
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Resque Mist indeed Rescues!
It is such a calming, fantastic product. It soothes the skin, it calms my sinuses and enables my skin to 'breathe' again. Honestly I recommend this product for a calm and restful night, happy skin and happy sinuses :)
An-Mari | 2/28/2024 10:57 AM
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Resque Mist - Snoring solution
Resque Mist has been a lifesaver for us. My hubby snores which results in broken sleep for him and me. Two squirts of Resque Mist and both of us fall asleep immediately and soundly. It really makes a difference. I can testify that it works. I just nudge him gently, he squirts, and we are asleep. Every holiday we make sure it's packed in. Resque Mist has multiple other benefits too, but this is our best solution to snoring!
Product Review
Ros | 2/28/2024 11:22 AM
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'The magic spray'
I bought the Resque Mist as part of my starter pack when I joined Annique around March 2023. I used it for my sinuses, I would spray on my pillow when I go to sleep and spray on my handkerchief and inhale it during the day and I get the relief immediately, it works like a perfect charm each time! My 14 year old son would also wake up with bad sinuses and I would just spray it on his sleeve and have him inhale. He has loved the spray since then and whenever he feels the sinuses come back he comes to me and asks for the spray which he now calls 'the magic spray'. One morning my 4 year old son woke up and came to me with a swollen finger because he had gone to sleep with a plastic ring in one of his fingers and it was swollen, I gently took it off and sprayed Resque Mist on the swollen finger and gently rubbed. By the time I came back from work his finger had returned to normal, and he had no pain. Now I make sure that I always have it because it is indeed 'the magic spray'.
Product Review
Sihlengiwe | 2/28/2024 11:30 AM
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Reque Mist
I started using this mist in 2020, as I tend to get a blocked sinus at night.
I spray some on my pillow every night, I helped a lot. During COVID we sprayed our face masks with the mist. My family also like spraying it on their chests when they get a cold. Its a great product and a family favorite.
Product Review
Zelda | 2/28/2024 12:56 PM
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Resque mist
I have used the Resque Mist before for hay-fever. I got the bottle from my mom and it has worked miracles. I used to struggle a-lot especially where i was living at the time, I even got tonsillitis due to the severe hay-fever I couldn't get rid of and after being very negative with life, I started using the Resque Mist. I have not had any problems with hay-fever, colds or even tonsillitis since. It really has made a difference for me.
Product Review
Laré | 2/28/2024 1:09 PM
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Refreshing product
Resque Mist is a versatile and refreshing product in a convenient 100ml spray bottle. It's perfect for providing a quick refreshment to the skin throughout the day. I've found it particularly helpful for soothing skin irritations and reducing redness, thanks to its Rooibos extract and other calming ingredients. It's also great for setting makeup or simply revitalizing the skin in hot or dry weather. I always keep it at hand for an instant pick-me-up.
Product Review
Neelechia | 2/28/2024 1:44 PM
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What a beautiful thing to have in your home
This product is awesome. You can use this for anything really. If your nose is blocked, use it! Do you have a skin irritation, use it! Do you have the flu, use it and rub it in your chest! Even an allergy to dog or cat spit, use it! Did an insect bite you, don't cry, use it! This is a really flexible product and I love it because you don't need fifty stuff for your troubles just use Resque Mist!!!
Product Review
Nicole | 2/28/2024 1:53 PM
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Sinus and Hay fever Lifesaver
This product is an absolute lifesaver! Recently had such bad hay fever and sinus problems. Love to spray it on my pillow before I go to sleep. Helped so much! Highly recommend it to anyone who is sensitive and struggling with the changing of seasons.
Product Review
Leoni | 2/28/2024 2:26 PM
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Resque mist best ever
I got mine yesterday I've been struggling with heavy sinuses and today it feels 10 times better even my head ache is lighter and my smell is also much better.
Definitely best bought product
Product Review
Roelien | 2/28/2024 3:20 PM
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I'm in love with this product. My house is never without it.
Product Review
Antoinette | 2/28/2024 4:36 PM
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A staple must have
I have been using this product since it's release and do not travel anywhere without it. It helps me to relax in stressful situations, soothe skin irritations, aids in sleep and sinus relief.
Product Review
Eugene | 2/28/2024 5:56 PM
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Resque Mist
I suffer from chronic sinus. The very first Annique Rooibos product I bought 4 years ago was Resque Mist. Never ever will I be without my Resque Mist spray bottle. Where ever I go my Resque Mist accompany me. I also use it for my neck and shoulder tension spasms and the best of all for my restless legs syndrome. All in one spray. My favourite!!!
Product Review
Mariette | 2/28/2024 7:11 PM
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Resque Mist
What a versatile product. My father struggled with sinus and he used it daily. I tell everybody about the product and everyone at my work knows about it and comes to me if they need a resque.  I burned my finger and sprayed it on. It immediately took away the burning and lessened the pain.
Product Review
Elizabeth | 2/28/2024 8:23 PM
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Resque mist Family favourite
In the Cronje Household every member has their own bottle of mist.
Hubby and daughter for sinus. Mom for relaxing neck and shoulders and son for mosquitos. We love the resque mist for opening blocked nose, tense shoulders and allergies. it even helps for skin rashes
Product Review
Annemarie | 2/28/2024 9:14 PM
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Resque Mist

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jacoba jm | 2/28/2024 9:22 PM
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By Name Resque, Resque from hospitalised
My Son struggling to breath. I was terrified as Young Mommy !! The only product on hand was Resque Mist. I put his head over the sink and cover it with a towel. Tap Hot water in the sink and spray Resque Mist, so that he can breath it in with the steam. I also pray, and then suddenly he could breath normally. I was crying and so so thankful. Thank you Annique for this wonderfully Tool. !!!For myself I spray it in my throat when I have a taste not so good but it HELPS IMMEDIATELY.. I have always Resque Mist on hands. Thank you. Blessings!!! Kind Regards Louisa
Louisa,Magaretha | 2/28/2024 9:56 PM
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My Resque Miracle
I was told by a friend (who is a paramedic and really knows her medicines) about the old "pamperlang" range from Annique and how great it worked.
I enquired from an agent about the range and was told it is now called Resque. Long story short, I bought the Resque Mist to just try it out.
In the same time I started working out quite extensively and contracted a heavy sinus. So bad I couldn't lay down because I could not breathe and the sinus-headache was almost as bad as a migraine!
Needless to say, I remembered I just got my Resque Mist and tried it out. I sprayed it on my pillow, my chest, neck and other sore muscles. I could not believe the INSTANT relief I experienced from the sinus and then the headache. My home will never be without Resque Mist again.
Product Review
Susan | 2/29/2024 8:50 AM
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Resque Mist
We always have it at hand: in our vehicles, kitchen, lounge, bedrooms.
Two of my grandchildren slept over, woke up sneezing and coughing. While eating there porridge, I sprayed Resque Mist in the air above. Within minutes they stopped sneezing and coughing.
After having a very busy day, I sprayed Resque mist on my swollen and tired feet. What an amazing relieve.
Product Review
Magrietha Christina | 2/29/2024 8:58 AM
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Resque mist
This product changed my life! I used to snore and since I started using the mist on my pillow every night I snore a lot less.. It even took away my headaches in just 10 minutes... I spray some it my hands and then inhale it through my nose and it helps me to breathe easy. My colleagues at work also love this product as one of them had problems with her knee and when she sprayed it on her knee she was so relieved with the pain. This product is highly recommended.
Product Review
Jeanre | 2/29/2024 9:16 AM
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I need this in Liters!
I use a ton of Resque Mist in a month and for all different kinds of things.

Before I go to bed, I spray it on my pillows, it helps me to breathe better and help to keep my nose from closing during the night, which in turns help me not to snore.

When traveling, it's on me, always. After my last international trip, my legs were aching due to the swelling after the flight. I immediately started spraying the Resque Mist and could feel how it cooled and soothed my legs. The hardness also reduced until my legs returned to normal.

Sore and tight like a charm, increasing blood circulation in the area and immediately helps to alleviate tension in the muscles.

Headaches is a thing of the past, especially tension headaches. I can go on and on and on about this product, but I'm sure you get the general idea. Wish Annique sold this in Liters, because I'll probably go through a liter in a month.
Product Review
Hannelise | 2/29/2024 9:47 AM
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Relief when using Resque Mist
I have used this and it has done wonders for the following reasons:
- Itchy skin
- Injuries (scratches)
- Pain
- Blocked nose
- Insomnia

This has been my to go to when I need it

Love it and will keep using it
Product Review
Candice | 2/29/2024 9:57 AM
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Annique Rooibos Resque Mist
Resque Mist has been an absolute game changer in our home. As a family of 4 we are all hooked on this phenomenal spray. From headaches, muscular pains, backaches to sinus and sore throats and of course STRESS. It's our go to product. One in the car, one in my handbag and a few bottles around the house. It is one product I swear by and promote to my clients.
Product Review
Tracey-Lee Vern | 2/29/2024 10:12 AM
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Resque Mist
The best ever for colds, flu and back pain
My son sprained his back and did not want anyone to touch it,  so I decided to spray  Resque Mist on and in 2 days he was feeling better
Product Review
Charmaine | 2/29/2024 12:27 PM
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Mood Lifter
This is another great product for the winter months when sinus and headaches trouble, de-stresser and mood lifter and also relaxing when sprayed onto burning feet.

Product Review
Yougamanie | 2/29/2024 9:36 PM
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This product is just superb… my grandson did not have sinus the day after I sprayed his room the night before and he slept well.🙏🌺❤️
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Maritsa | 3/2/2024 7:59 PM
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I absolutely LOVE this product!

I suffer with ovulation pain and period pain and this helps me get through those days of pain. A simple spray on my tummy and it does its magic work!

I also suffer with imbalance due to neck pain and two sprays onto my neck area helps tremendously with my balance and inflammation in my neck.

We use it on our kids pillows whenever they aren't well and also helps us with those horrible coughs and colds

Its a must have and we pack it whenever we have to go and stay anywhere
Product Review
Tatum | 3/5/2024 11:09 AM
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My friend experience back-acne from sleeping, sweating and hormones, upon spraying the Resque-Mist on his back, it soothes the acne and instantly heals his skin. He was amazed how fast it started working. Also perfect for migraines being sprayed on the forehead or even during stressful times using it as a facial spray to calm the nerves
Product Review
Rooibos Products South Africa | 3/8/2024 11:23 AM
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Game Changer
Annique Resque Mist has proven to be an absolute game-changer for me. This versatile mist has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, offering relief from sinusitis, hay fever, and even contributing to a more positive mindset. First and foremost, the mist's ability to provide relief for sinusitis is nothing short of remarkable. I've found myself reaching for it whenever sinusitis symptoms arise, and the relief is both immediate and lasting. Annique Resque Mist has become my go-to solution for combating even headache -related issues. The convenience of the mist format is also worth mentioning. It's easy to carry in my bag, allowing me to enjoy its benefits whenever and wherever I need it.
Product Review
Rachel | 5/29/2024 10:23 AM
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Life changer
Definitely a life changer for me.   As soon as my sinus starts up I just spray a bit around me and on my pillow then I can sleep at ease.   I even used it on my grand children when I was visiting there last month. And they healed fast from flu. They begged me to spray every time they felt their noses blocked up everytime
Marlene Cusens
Product Review
Marlene | 6/13/2024 12:31 PM
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