Rooibos Benefits in Hair Care

Want Healthy Hair? Just Add Rooibos

Rooibos is a staple in many South African homes with its popularity growing rapidly around the world. Although the traditional way to enjoy the benefits of Rooibos is to drink it as a tea, the benefits of this indigenous herb that only grows in a small area in the Western Cape can be extended to Rooibos infused products as well. 

The benefits of Rooibos to your health, skin and even hair are numerous, and when this herb is used in skin care, body care, hair care, supplements, and other products the rewards are noticeable.

The benefits of incorporating Rooibos into your beauty regime are numerous.


Benefits of Rooibos for your skin and body:

  1. Rooibos’ anti-ageing properties stem from antioxidants which assist with reducing wrinkles and promote the production of healthy skin cells. A study conducted in 2010, followed 20 women for four weeks who reported that Rooibos was effective in reducing their wrinkles by 9.9%. Rooibos antioxidants manage to effectively neutralise free radicals which are responsible for causing wrinkles.
  2. Eczema and acne are reduced by the high levels of flavonoids in Rooibos and allow for healthier skin. With inflammation being one of the main courses of acne, the inflammatory properties of Rooibos aid in the reduction of acne.
  3. The anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic properties of Rooibos help to fight against bacterial infections and can also aid in relieving allergies.
  4. Rooibos is gentle on the skin, aiding in soothing sunburn, rashes (even nappy rash), abrasions and itchy skin.
  5. Drinking Rooibos can keep skin hydrated and healthy.


Annique Rooibos creates and promotes Rooibos infused products for health and beauty purposes. All our products are made in South Africa. We were first in the world to introduce Rooibos in health and beauty products. This achievement was awarded with two gold medals by the 1997 World Intellectual Property Organization.

Through years of innovation, we understand the impact and benefits our products have when used by our consumers. Rooibos is a natural South African herb that continues to make a significant difference in people’s lives by aiding to solve their beauty and health problems. Annique Rooibos has a comprehensive range of products that offer solutions to various health and beauty issues, with the Rooibos herb prominent in our formulations, providing proven antioxidant and skin soothing support.