Importance of Phytonutrients for Athletic Performance
A crucial goal of sports nutrition for athletes is to modify nutritional stressors associated with muscle damage and repair from intense training and competition schedules. Dietary strategies, which enhance recovery from the negative effects of exercise, can help promote more effective physiological adaptations, muscle reconditioning after exercise and enable a faster return to training.
What are phytonutrients?
Phytonutrients are compounds found in plants, which give plants their unique taste and aroma. They protect the human body against different chronic diseases and have anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. In addition, it has been seen that these phytonutrients are potent for athletic performance and especially recovery after intense training sessions.
One of the latest trends in sports nutrition is phytonutrients.
The future of phytonutirents
Superfoods are making headway in terms of providing all the benefits of phytonutrients. Eating whole foods is the ultimate goal, but modern humans demand convenience, portability, and affordability, which all count against eating whole foods at every meal and snack. Here, superfoods in supplement form is a convenient, yet healthy way to add nutrients to your daily diet.
9 Effects of phytonutrients on the body
Phytonutrients play an essential role in maintaining health and preventing disease. There are 9 essential functions of phytonutrients:
- Phytonutrients act as antioxidants – In other words, they act as scavengers for free radicals which are produced in the body during normal metabolism as well as during exercise. Antioxidants neutralise these free radicals, preventing their damage.
- Phytonutrients have an anti-inflammatory effect – Chronic inflammation has been linked with numerous medical conditions from connective tissue diseases to cancer.
- Phytonutrients enhance immunity – They also help to modulate the immune system by helping to maintain the delicate balance between an overactive and underactive immune system. An overactive immune system can lead to autoimmune diseases where an underactive immune system predisposes the person to infections or cancer.
- Phytonutrients have anti-cancer effects – It has been seen that certain phytonutrients can help in DNA repair by repairing mutated genes that lead to cancer.
- Phytonutrients have neuroprotective effects – Evidence suggests that phytonutrients can have a positive effect in people suffering from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
- Phytonutrients can block the formation of carcinogens – There are some phytonutrients that can prevent substances in food or the environment from becoming carcinogens (cancer causing agents).
- Phytonutrients regulate hormones.
- Phytonutrients have antiageing effects.
- Phytonutrients are used to treat disease.
Let’s have a look at some of the Annique Superfoods making a leap into the future and especially assisting athletes (and active people) with the benefits of phytonutrients:
Superfood Purple
- Bilberry
- Pomegranate
- Acai
- Elderberry
- Aronia berry
- Montmorency cherry
- Red beetroot
- Lucuma
- Goji berry
- Rooibos
- Protects against free radicals
- Reduces inflammation
- Enhances heart health
- Lowers blood pressure
Superfood Green
- Morniga
- Spirulina
- Grapeseed
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Ashwaghanda
- Kale
- Green Rooibos
- Powerful antioxidants
- Anti-inflammatory
- Lowers cholesterol
Superfood Brown
- Cordyceps
- Reishi
- King Trumpet
- Shiitake
- Lion’s Mane
- Turkey Tail
- Green Rooibos
- Boosts exercise performance
- Stress support
- Endurance support
- Prevents adrenal fatigue
Superfood White
- Garlic
- Green Rooibos
- Boosts immune system
- Natural antibiotic
- Natural detox
Superfood Yellow
- Curcumin (from turmeric)
- Beta carotene
- Ginger
- Lutein
- Anti-inflammatory
- Essential for skin and eye health
- Soothes arthritis
- Promotes digestion